A trade fair for alarm system manufacturers in a metal hangar – can it work? Yes, it can, and how! The fantastic one-day Hausmesse trade fair held by i-Alarmsysteme at a military airfield in Austria is behind us.
The hangar turned out to be an excellent place to test the capabilities of our ABAX 2 family of wireless detectors. We moved the devices together with our customers to the furthest corners of the 50-plus metre hall and the lowest recorded signal strength was… 99% – and only a few percent less after bringing the devices outside. In the context of ABAX 2, the ABAX 2 Soft configuration and diagnostics software was just as impressive as the devices themselves. Visitors to our stand also appreciated our latest control panel PERFECTA 64 M, which, de facto, enables the connection of ABAX 2 devices.
The fair was not just an opportunity to meet customers and manufacturers of other alarm systems, but also to enjoy a real show. This was because the airport was the venue for an exercise of the Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte, or Austrian Air Force. Certainly, this image will stay in our memories for a long time 🙂
We would like to thank i-Alarmsysteme for inviting us to this unique event, as well as everyone we had the pleasure to host at our stand.