On April 12-13 at the Complex of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology in Gdansk, the final of the National Technical Competition “Primus Inter Pares” was held, organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Complex of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology operating at the school.
The organizers and partners provided financial and material prizes for the finalists. Waiting for the best were also indexes to the faculties of Electrical and Control Engineering (EiA) and Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (ETI) at Gdansk University of Technology. The level of the competition, which was attended by more than 180 teams from all over Poland, can be evidenced by the fact, that indexes were awarded to teams that took both 1st and 2nd place.
An extremely interesting and important part of the event was a panel discussion, held as part of the National Technical Conference, during which the situation and role of vocational education in our country was discussed. The main conclusion that came out of the discussions, was that it is necessary to take systemic measures to effectively support this extremely important area of education. The presence of representatives of many technical and technology companies showed, that they are keenly interested in both supporting technical schools and employing their graduates. This is confirmed by the fact, that some awardees have already received their first offers for cooperation. During the discussion, many proposals were made on what solutions to implement, to encourage companies to support schools on a regular basis.
Among the invited guests were the Vice-Rector for Education of the Gdansk University of Technology, Ph.D., D. Sc. Mariusz Kaczmarek, the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Mieczyslaw Struk, and the President of the Board of Pomeranian Employers, Mr. Zbigniew Canowiecki. Let the words of Mr. Canowiecki be a good summary, according to which, the recipe for improving the current situation is trilateral cooperation within the “golden triangle”, combining the activities of schools, authorities and companies.
We subscribe to this and are extremely proud that we could support this exceptionally important event. We believe that such competitions of a practical nature make profound sense, as they make it possible to find and promote exceptionally talented students. We support such activities with all our SATEL’s heart and look forward to the next ones. At the same time, we are very impressed by the level of organization of the meeting and the involvement of students in coordinating the activities and hosting the participants. We are built up by their attitude and as a result, we look to the future with greater optimism.
Special thanks and appreciation, we address to the President of the Foundation for the Development of the Complex of Secondary Technical Schools of Communication Technology, Ms. Jadwiga Piechowiak, for the idea and huge commitment to the organization of the event, which made it special and unique.
We sincerely congratulate the winners. See you in the next edition!