We present a brand new solution – a modern smart&safe system that combines advanced home automation with extensive protection.
It’s already here! We have combined all our previous experience, the latest market trends and user expectations to create an innovative system combining smart home technology with advanced security features. Easy set-up, uncomplicated installation and intuitive operation have ensured that, even before its official launch, our product has received international acclaim and has been hailed as a breakthrough and unrivalled.

We are proud to present BE WAVE – a system with a modern HUB at its heart and ABAX 2 wireless technology, which has been known and appreciated worldwide for years, at its soul. The clear configuration and convenient management of the system, take place via a mobile app. This makes the creation of even logically advanced functions a joy for users and allows them to enjoy the comfort and additional free time provided by smart solutions on a daily basis.
BE WAVE is also a cost-effective solution. The dual purpose of multiple devices, combining automation and security functions, allows savings in the purchase and operation of the system. On the other hand, a reduction in the cost of daily living is implemented through intelligent control of the home’s installations.

The devices included in the BE WAVE system have a universal design, and some devices are offered in several housing colours. The guiding colour for the communication and application is aquamarine, combining the colours green and blue, symbolising peace, ecology and safety. It is these ideas that guided us in the design and development of this product, behind which lies not only the promise of a smart home, but also the certainty of effective protection.